We’ve had some great feedback from this year’s riders.
Here’s what they’re saying about All Points North 2019.
Richard Gate
All Points North was an astonishing and truly great inaugural event.
An awful lot of riders will be immensely proud of their achievements, some finishing, some scratching, all braving to push themselves and push harder then ever. (Even the AllPubsNorth contingent!)
Those who should be most proud however are Ang and Tori with their team of volunteers. Together they created and pulled off the best organised event I have ever taken part in. An amazingly warm, friendly social experience for all those taking part. Every need was catered for by the kitchen staff, mechanics, masseurs and so much more behind the scenes that we will never know. No matter what time the finish, the team were there.
I’m not sure who got less sleep, the rider or the APN team!
Congratulations to the team and huge massive thanks from me.
Max Folkett
What an amazing event. Just looked at the website for the first time since we started and can’t believe all the info you’ve been uploading throughout to keep all our mates cheering us on. Seriously impressive. I think I’m glad to hear there will be an APN2020… Thank you.

Ben Rickaby
I would like to say a great big thank you to all of you for putting on such a great event at the weekend. I’m sure you’ve received a huge amount of praise already and quite rightly so; all of the events I have been involved in over the years, the inaugural APN was by far an away the most professionally run, friendly and well organised.
There were so many highlights…I was really impressed by how friendly and helpful all the volunteers were in the event build up: the communications sent out, the registration process, bike checks, all the tea and treats at the start and of course the race briefing all gave me the impression of how dedicated the team were. Throughout the event there was such a great atmosphere with the posts from riders and HQ and despite some pretty low moments towards the end (which are inevitable during these types of events) the high of finishing to friendly cheers from riders, the APN team and my (now) fiancee, even in the early hours, made it all worthwhile.
I suspect it will take some time for everyone to recover fully and catch up on all the sleep deprivation (from the team and riders!) but I hope the event will go from strength to strength and I look forward to competing again in years to come.
Thank you again and you should be immensely proud of what you have created.
Mark Smith
Awesome event, awesome people. So glad to be apart of the first edition.
Can’t wait for next year, though it’s going to be hard to improve on what was such an amazing event. I’m sure they will though.

Ede Harrison
I finished All Points North yesterday. A ~530 mile free route starting and finishing in #sheffield. My body is more broken now than it was after the Transcontinental Race. What an awesome event though. Thank you to @allpointsnorth.cc for all the time invested and the great organisation. I can’t wait to see the control points for next year.

Nicky Shaw
How many ways are there to cycle between 10 controls on a bike? A heck of a lot it seems, and just as many adventures to be had. What an awesome time I had riding @allpointsnorth.cc . With bad conditions making the going tough only half the field finished, so I was glad to finish in 64 hours 34 minutes to place 16th overall. Time to put the feet up for a few days.

Smilyan Pavlov
If they put up a registration form now [for APN20], I would sign up immediately.

Alice Thomson
I got through the last 100kms yesterday telling myself this might be the only time I do APN and I had to finish but… it sounds like there’s a 2020. Who’s considering coming back for more? It’s taken less than 24 hours for me to be very tempted by a ‘next time’.

Lee Grieve
Thanks so much for organising this guys! So happy I took part in the 1st edition, always full of quirks and surprises. The WhatsApp group was a great shout too, nice to see a ride with a big friendly feel to it. Can’t wait to see the points next year. Can we start a poll?

Lee Tooey
The event was amazing, but very tough. Roughly half of the field did not finish, which is about right for events of this nature.

David Palmer
I just wanted to say a big thank you and also congratulations on putting on a brilliant event over the weekend. Every aspect of the event, from the initial comms, to the organisation over the weekend, seemed to have the right balance of being really well organised and yet laid back and relaxed.
This was my first event of this kind (and length!), and although at times I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish, I really enjoyed every minute of it (even that 11pm assault of Great Dun Fell in howling winds and sidewards rain).
So please extend my gratitude and praise to all involved in front and behind the scenes.
Roll on 2020!!!
Thomas Chateau
Wonderful All Points North.
I had to scratch for lack of time, beaten by my physical insufficiency in relation to the percentage of hills (I thought I was visiting an island, I discovered a mountain with deep valleys).
Thanks so much to Angela, Tori and all the really great organizing team : scratched, but I feel a better cyclist now.
Daniel Jones
You pushed me harder than I’ve ever pushed myself before, I truly found myself this weekend and made myself a better person.

Jack Peterson

Thank you, thank you, Angela, Tori, and all the team. What a fantastic event, brilliantly organised and executed tirelessly. It’s always been a shame that adventure racing in the UK just can’t happen; you guys have got this right with this brilliant format, no need to race 😃Perfectly chosen CP’s to create such a mix of routes, and even weather 😁 You think you know the North until your thrown this kind of challenge. I’m sure you learnt a lot too in creating this beautiful beast, boy it was so good.

Nick Howarth
I would like to thank the fantastic event team for planning what has been a truly unbelievable few days. The team, the competitor’s, the weather! All added up to making a bank holiday weekend I’ll never forget. This was a very bad bivvy spot on great dun fell. But needs must….
I didn’t finish it… but I learned a huge amount about how far I can push… how much sleep I need to be able to push… how much food I need to be able to push. But in the end the rain, cold and wind beat me. Nearing Whitby a riding buddy pulled up next to me in his car in a layby while I was slumped on the bike having a real low moment. The offer of a lift to a warm shower and bed was too much!
Would I do it again? Definitely. I have unfinished business 😉
Karen McDonald
Blimey what a weekend…thank you Angela and rest of APN crew for putting it on and the encouraging texts when we were sending our photos… Feel like we have a ridden a very long way, eaten our way round, we swore a lot, sang songs, smiled in the horrendous winds and fought the cold and the sores…they really hurt…well done to my partner in crime Charlie in your first ever multi day endurance event…rest up…we had a blast and conquered and very proud of ourselves…next Audax needs to be warmer and dryer!!!!!
And what a blast meeting so many friendly riders…last night’s meal was fun with all the stories and hearing how many other events there are out there…. Well done everyone and keep peddling you stars who are still out there…you rock
Alan Morton
My goodness, what an experience. I can genuinely say I have never experienced anything like it,…and expect I won’t again for some time.
You conceived, created and curated something very very special, and delivered with faultless execution – from the excitement of the launch, through the pre-ride planning and comms, the warmest of registrations – which created such a buzz of excitement and intrepidation – to the support (and banter) on the WhatsApp group and instagram…..and that’s all before a single turn of a pedal.
I remember sitting the the briefing with the hair on the back of my neck positively upright….wondering how I got there, …. and what was about to happen to me! I was not disappointed! The first few km were electric, with people turning off in different directions, wondering if we had made the right route choice, to the relief when we regrouped with different riders at various junctions along the way.
Bumping into other riders was so special, even if it was just for the momentary hello or quick chat with plenty of words of encouragement to boot. Given how we all took slightly (or more dramatically) different routes, riding at different paces and stopping at different points, it was amazing how we kept of bumping into each other. Possibly the most random moment was at 7am (virtually on the dot) on the Monday morning when we arrived at Slaidburn to be met by two other pairs arriving at exactly the same time – all having stayed in different places overnight. Passing other riders both going up and coming down Graet Dun Fell was another highlight – I think I must have seen 6 riders during the climb/descent.
I also feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to ride in so many amazing places over a single weekend, leaving memories which will certainly stay with me for a long time to come. I know I will be returning to many of those lanes again soon.
And as for the welcome home and rider meal, such an amazing way to round off the best weekend on a bike ever ;-).
I know that there was a team of dedicated volunteers behind the scenes too, so please pass on my heartfelt thanks to everyone involved.
I’d certainly like to return in 2020, as either a rider or volunteer!
Thank you both, you made it so so special, I hope you are justifiably proud.